PREVENTOMICS project has been presented during the workshop “Application of omic sciences to precision nutrition”, organised within the IV Conference on Nutrition and Health of the Foodservice Cluster on March 9th.

During the session, project’s partner Ignasi Papell business development manager food industry from Eurecat presented PREVENTOMICS as a key European project in the field of omic technologies and personalised nutrition.

On the other hand, Josep Maria del Bas, director of Eurecat’s Nutrition and Health Unit and PREVENTOMICS’ technical supervisor, talked about the importance of the personalised nutrition and the opportunities offered by omic disciplines for the food and distribution companies.

The session also counted with the participation of representatives from Alimmenta, which presented Metangendiet project, and representatives of Exheus project, both developed in the nutrition and omic sciences field. At the end of the presentations, attendees have participated in an open debate to discuss about latest trends and challenges.

The Foodservice Cluster of Catalonia is a cluster organisation aimed to improve the competitiveness and innovative initiatives of the foodservice sector in Catalonia.