Trial of the health effects of personalised nutrition in healthy men and women

Research study with healthy men and women to assess the effects in health and changes in their metabolism after following personalised nutrition and lifestyle advice.

smartphones promote healthy eating

We plan to compare the effects on health and changes in the metabolism in non-smoking men and women receiving personalised nutritional and lifestyle advice through a retailer platform compared to participants following general advice.

The study will examine the soundness of PREVENTOMICS retailer app to support participants in personalising their nutrition, empowering the choice preferences and promoting favourable and sustained changes in dietary behaviour.

Volunteers will be allocated in one of three groups:

  • Personalised nutrition group: participants will be provided with knowledge on a list of products that are beneficial for them according to their metabolism, preferences, health status, genetics and habits.
  • Personalised nutrition + behavioural advices group: participants will be provided with knowledge on a list of products that are beneficial for them according to their metabolism, preferences, health status, genetics and habits. In addition, participants be enrolled in a behavioural change program via SMS.
  • Control group: participants will be recommended products beneficial from their health following general nutritional advice.

This research study is being conducted by Eurecat’s Nutrition and Health Unit, with the collaboration of ALDI Supermarket. It has been reviewed and approved by the Comité Ético de Investigación con Medicamentos del Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (CEIm-IISPV) in Reus with a reference number 076/2020.

Personalised Nutrition Intervention Study - Eurecat Reus




We are looking for non-smoking men and women aged 18 to 65 years old without previous pathologies with the availability to travel to Reus (Tarragona, Spain) three times during the study, lasting up to six months, for taking blood, saliva, faeces and urine analyses and a visit with a nutritionist.

Participants will be required to use and validate a platform for sending out personalised nutrition and healthy lifestyle advice. For that, volunteers will need access to Internet via web or smartphone.

omics technologies personalised nutrition preventomics

Benefits for participants

The volunteers will be monitored by experts in nutrition and health and will obtain two complimentary evaluations of their metabolic status, the body’s processes to obtain and produce energy from food intake, coinciding with the beginning and end of the study, for a duration of 6 months.

These analyses, which will include the study of more than 30 genetic markers and 40 metabolic markers, will allow to evaluate the changes in the organism before and after implementing new nutritional habits and changes in lifestyle.

By participating at this study, volunteers will be able to know which products to include in their shopping list are more beneficial for their metabolism and receive personalised advice via SMS to promote a change in habits and a sustained improvement in health.