CHaNce - Cluster for Health & Nutrition solutions

The PREVENTOMICS project is part of the CHaNce Cluster for Health & Nutrition solutions, which aims at bringing together independent EU-funded R&D projects on personalised nutrition to jointly address the technical scope areas and dissemination goals within the context of “Personalised Nutrition” (DT-SFS-14-2018), food security and related topics.

The CHaNce cluster’s project coordinators and dissemination managers trust that together, they will maximise the impact of research projects. Via the cluster, the participating projects may expand their impact beyond project level, while contributing to the dissemination of state-of-the-art research.

The cluster is comprised by PROTEIN, Stance4Health, NutriShield, FNS-Cloud and PREVENTOMICS.


Offering smart personalized nutrition advice and support that will assist people in achieving their optimal health and well-being, in preventing diet-related diseases and adopting long-term healthy and sustainable diets.
Providing novel products and services that can be personalized to any type of users, health treatment or condition and to design customized foods for specific
Defining a high-quality metabolic network of the human gut microbiota and insights into how the network is affected by foods and culinary practices
Integrating all the required elements (laboratory techniques, methodologies, ICT devices & applications, algorithms, and other components) into one place (app, platform or web-based platform)
Facilitating access to food and nutrition information through a cloud solution, ensuring that everybody can access sufficient, affordable and nutritious food

NUTRISHIELD –  The core concept of NUTRISHIELD is to protect the health of EU citizens, by promoting a fact-based personalised nutrition. More specifically, NUTRISHIELD focuses on providing a holistic approach towards the personalisation of nutrition for the younger population, ranging from new-born infants all the way to young adults. Public health campaigns, most of them with a one-size-fits-all approach, have hardly been effective in mitigating the nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases and its consequences. Recent academic studies in the field of human nutrition show that differences between individuals determine how their health is affected by their diet. This implies that different individuals could respond differently to the same their diets. Therefore, in order for this to succeed, there needs to be a personalization of diet, based on scientific facts. NUTRISHIELD has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 818110.

PROTEIN project

PROTEINPROTEIN project is a research initiative led by a consortium of European public- and private-sector organizations working to promote proper nutrition, health and wellbeing. The project brings together experts from across Europe and uses the latest communications and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to design and develop advanced personalized nutrition and physical activity tools for the everyday life of the EU citizens. During the first 30 months of the project, a first version of the PROTEIN end-to-end ecosystem has been designed, developed, integrated, and technically verified. The PROTEIN system has been subsequently evaluated by both project experts and real users in a first Phase of Project Pilots. The system consists of a mobile application (first release) that has been published in Google Play (to find it just search for ‘PROTEIN EU’) and a web-based Dashboard for nutritionists and other experts, and the users. The PROTEIN system is based on novel scientific achievements and includes numerous novel technologies: ontology containing nutrition domain knowledge, image-based food identification and food weight estimation, food intake estimation based on smart scale data, eating rate analysis based on video or on smartwatch accelerometer data, bowel sound analysis using a smart belt, a novel Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) sensor, and, ultimately, an AI-based nutrition and physical activity advisor. Next steps for the project include the release of the final version of the PROTEIN system and, right after that, the second Phase of the Project Pilots. These Pilots are originally planned for Autumn 2021 and will comprise of a series of 20 tests that will be conducted in various real life environments ranging from the simple user with a mobile device to the customers of a restaurant in Rome and from the athletes of Benfica in Portugal to patients with Diabetes Type 2 in Germany. PROTEIN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 817732.

Stance4Health – Stance4Health project aims at developing a complete Smart Personalized Nutrition (SPN) service based on the use of mobile technologies as well as tailored food production that optimizes the gut microbiota activity and long-term consumer engagement. The approach proposed by the project is being tailored to different target groups, from healthy children and adults to children with coeliac disease or food allergy, as well as overweight children and adults. Stance4Health has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 816303.

FNS-CLOUD, Food Nutrition System – FNS-CLOUD is a European project which launches a first-generation “food cloud”, federating existing and emerging datasets and developing new services to support re-use by researchers. The infrastructure and services developed by the project have the objective to exploit food, nutrition and security data for a range of purposes and integrate them with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). FNS-CLOUD has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 863059.