Eurecat showcases PREVENTOMICS results in the Food 2030 Conference

The PREVENTOMICS project coordinator Eurecat has participated in the Food 2030: Green and resilient food systems conference organised by the European Commission from 4th – 5th of December in Brussels, Belgium. Josep Maria del Bas, coordinator of the Biotechnology area of Eurecat and PREVENTOMICS’ project technical supervisor, and Biotza Gutiérrez, project’s coordinator from Eurecat, attended…

PREVENTOMICS project presented to students of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Desarrollo (Chile)

The PREVENTOMICS project was presented to students, researchers and professionals of the Universidad del Desarrollo – Faculty of Medicine during a session celebrated last 25th of January in Santiago de Chile.   During the session, Antoni Caimari, director of the Biotechnology Area of Eurecat, delivered the presentation “Metabolomics and artificial intelligence applied to personalized nutrition” introducing…

The PREVENTOMICS technical supervisor presents the project during the NuGOweek 2022

The PREVENTOMICS project has been presented during the 18th edition of the NuGOweek focused on “Food bioactives for disease prevention – from mechanisms through chrononutrition” and celebrated at the University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain from 29th of August to 1st of September. Josep Maria del Bas, coordinator of the Biotechnology area of Eurecat…

Eurecat presents PREVENTOMICS project during the Food Bioactives & Health Conference

The PREVENTOMICS project was presented during the Food Bioactives & Health Conference organised by the School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition of the University of Parma and celebrated from 21st – 24th of June. Josep Maria del Bas, coordinator of the Biotechnology Area of Eurecat and PREVENTOMICS’ technical supervisor, participated in the session…

PREVENTOMICS project present in the Food4Future ExpoFoodTech 2022

The PREVENTOMICS project coordinator Eurecat has participated at the Food4Future – ExpoFoodTech celebrated from May 17th – 19th in the Bilbao Exhibition Centre (Spain). During the event, Eurecat which has its own booth, distributed PREVENTOMICS materials and displayed the video of the project. DOWNLOAD THE MATERIALS OF THE PROJECT PREVENTOMICS has been presented as one…

The European Congress on Obesity “ECO2022” hosts a presentation on PREVENTOMICS: The Danish intervention study

The main findings of the Danish intervention study in PREVENTOMICS have been presented during the European Congress on Obesity (ECO22), which took place from 4th – 7th of May in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Mona A. Aldubayan, PhD Student at University of Copenhagen (project partner), has participated in the event talking about the multidisciplinary work done…

precision nutrition

A new technological system applies precision nutrition to generate personalised dietary and lifestyle advice based on biomarkers

The PREVENTOMICS project has developed a personalized nutritional and healthy lifestyle habits recommendation system based on users’ biomarkers, eating habits and physical and behavioural characteristics to generate tailor-made plans. This innovative platform would allow its integration with technological applications that need to apply precision nutrition to any type of treatment, disease or defined life situation,…


Overweight, a burden for chronic pain

In recent years, the prevalence of overweight/obesity has been increasing in our societies. This worldwide and “modern” disease makes us more prone to suffer from other pathologies such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, depression, gastrointestinal disorders and chronic pain. More concretely, when the combination of obesity and pain appear, thus worsen the patient’s functional…