PREVENTOMICS project present in the Food4Future ExpoFoodTech 2022

The PREVENTOMICS project coordinator Eurecat has participated at the Food4Future – ExpoFoodTech celebrated from May 17th – 19th in the Bilbao Exhibition Centre (Spain). During the event, Eurecat which has its own booth, distributed PREVENTOMICS materials and displayed the video of the project. DOWNLOAD THE MATERIALS OF THE PROJECT PREVENTOMICS has been presented as one…

The European Congress on Obesity “ECO2022” hosts a presentation on PREVENTOMICS: The Danish intervention study

The main findings of the Danish intervention study in PREVENTOMICS have been presented during the European Congress on Obesity (ECO22), which took place from 4th – 7th of May in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Mona A. Aldubayan, PhD Student at University of Copenhagen (project partner), has participated in the event talking about the multidisciplinary work done…

Eurecat brings PREVENTOMICS to the Mobile World Congress 2022

PREVENTOMICS project, coordinated by Eurecat, has been featured in the centre’s catalogue distributed during the Mobile World Congress celebrated in Barcelona from February 28th – March 3rd. The catalogue has been distributed to all visitors approaching Eurecat’s booth at the Congress. DOWNLAOD THE CATALOGUE HERE The Mobile World Congress (MWC), is an annual event which…

OAFI pitches PREVENTOMICS project ot international stahekolders at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting

Project partner OAFI has presented PREVENTOMICS at the international Annual Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, which took place from 8th-13th of November in Atlanta, Georgia (EUA). This meeting is an important international event that every year counts with the participation of more than 15.000 doctors and professionals specialised in rheumatology and medicine. Representatives…

PREVENTOMICS presented during IoT Congress 2019 as an ICT healthcare platform success case

Felip Miralles, Director of the eHealth Unit at Eurecat, presented PREVENTOMICS project during the IoT Congress, the largest event on the world on IoT solutions. The congress has taken place in Barcelona on October 29-31. The event is dedicated exclusively to joining IoT providers with industry in order to help the latter increase productivity via this…

PREVENTOMICS presented to more than 350 attendees during the xPatient Barcelona Congress

Felip Miralles, Director of the eHealth Unit at Eurecat, presented PREVENTOMICS project during the xPatient Barcelona Congress, an annual forum about the change of the care model that empowers the patient and puts him at the center of the whole process. The Congress, attended by more than 350 attendees and over 50 speakers, has taken place in…