Interview JU study liders

265 participants enrolled to assess personalised nutrition effects in people with overweight and obesity. INTERVIEW with JU pilot leaders!

The Faculty of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, in Poland, has conducted a study with men and women with overweight and obesity to assess the effects of general nutrition advice versus personalised nutrition based on each individual’s physical and behavioural traits, lifestyle and preferences. Personalised nutrition is a new approach which aims to give individual’s…

The PREVENTOMICS study on personalised nutrition with 150 healthy participants is ended! INTERVIEW with pilot leaders from Eurecat

Eurecat Nutrition & Health Technological Unit has assessed the soundness of the personalised nutrition advice generated by PREVENTOMICS recommender system and a behavioural change programme to improve the dietary habits of over 150 participants with no previous pathologies. The study evaluated participants’ anthropometric measurements, blood pressure and changes in the metabolic profile before and after a 21-week intervention…

PREVENTOMICS meal delivery pilot study is completed! INTERVIEW with pilot leaders

The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (NEXS) at the University of Copenhagen has conducted a randomised controlled interventional study to investigate the potential advantages of delivering personalised nutrition interventions (meals and dietary advice) to men and women with excess body weight. We interviewed Kristina Pigsborg and Mona Aldubayan, PhD students, who are managing the Danish PREVENTOMICS study to…